by in Culture, Finance, Uncategorized

Community outreach — How your bank can make a big impact (and get more customers)

With so much emphasis on online marketing and digital advertising, it’s easy to forget that one of the most powerful ways a bank or credit union can reach people is in the real world. We’re not talking about TV, radio, or print ads (although they can help) — We’re thinking of something a bit more […]

by in Fun Stuff, Marketing, Must Read Blogs, Uncategorized

Getting Your Content Shared — When Less Is More

Many SEO and marketing firms will tell you that content is king. They’ll share stats about how longer pieces of content get better placement in Google search results, and why having really in-depth articles and information builds your authority and business brand. While all this is true, it’s not the whole picture. The fact is, […]

by in Insurance, Marketing, Uncategorized

The Gentle Art of Insurance Referral Marketing

There’s a powerful force we instinctively use every day when we make decisions. It’s a force that business marketers want to tap into, because it can create powerful, profound results — And it’s a force you can take advantage of when it comes to selling insurance. What is that force? One simple word — Trust. […]

by in Healthcare, Marketing, Uncategorized

Healthy Options — Do Your Patients Know Everything Your Medical Practice Does?

To the average patient, medical information and healthcare can be a strange place. It seems locked behind an arcane door of unpronounceable medications, conditions with Latin or Greek names, and baffling procedures. It doesn’t help that the only time most people interact with their doctor is when they’re sick. We know that’s a problem — […]

by in Marketing, Sales, Uncategorized

What You Need to Know About Facebook Advertising

Since 2010, Advertising on Facebook has grown more than 680%. More than a million advertisers have spent more than $8 billion. Every day, more businesses are pouring advertising dollars into the social network. Currently, it’s one of the most powerful avenues for paid marketing. If you’ve ever used Google’s AdWords, you know that program shows […]

by in Featured, Marketing, Must Read Blogs, Uncategorized

Ready to be an entrepreneur? Only if you can answer these questions

You’re a wide-eyed entrepreneur, dreaming of the next big idea and how it’s going to change the world. And you could be right — Perhaps you’ve got the genesis of the next Facebook, Apple, or Tesla in the back of your mind. Don’t be fooled though, being an entrepreneur is tough — It’s not just […]

by in Finance, Marketing, Uncategorized

The Department of Justice is looking at your website – are you ADA compliant?

Compliance. It’s a word that finance managers are all too familiar with. We know it might cause a slight sinking feeling, but compliance guidelines exist to protect everyone — You and your customers. That’s why it’s vital to understand the impact and implications of the new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines issued by the […]

by in Culture, Marketing, Sales, Uncategorized

4 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Brand Awareness

You’ve heard that social media is a powerful tool for your brand. You’re ready to make content people love to share, but without those first fans, how do spread your message? Choose the right social media networks There are hundreds of social networks, but they aren’t all useful to you. Don’t spend your time putting […]

by in Marketing, Sales, Uncategorized

Why You Should Be Using Drip Campaigns

When someone subscribes to your email list, it’s important to capture their newfound interest by making a strong connection. The best marketers use drip campaigns to quickly interact with new fans in a short period of time. A drip campaign is an automated series of emails sent to your subscribers. The emails are sent on […]

by in Finance, Marketing, Uncategorized

Banks and the social media compliance debate

We work with several financial institutions, and we know that one of their main concerns is compliance – How do you make sure that what you’re saying in your Facebook or Twitter feeds meets all of the rules, regulations, and guidelines of the financial industry? Compliance can be a headache, but that shouldn’t stop you […]